Up Close And Personal with Feargal Sharkey of The Undertones
*CALLING ALL PUNKS* Grab your chance to get up close and personal with loveable punk authority, Feargal Sharkey of The Undertones. On Thursday 17th November he'll be taking his position in the hot seat at The Barton Theatre, N4. Equally dynamic and lovable music journalist, Neil McCormick will be guiding us through the slam-bang punk-popstar’s full and varied life from frontman to backstage music guru.

Top Six "Ooh! Aah!" Fireworks Events in North London
LOCK UP YO DOGS. Bonfire Night is here. Or more appropriately, Fireworks Night. Sporadic bangs can already be heard on a nightly basis along quiet residential roads, heralding the countdown to November 5th. The neighbours are either testing out their fireworks or engaged in a minor gangland war. Hard to know which is more likely.

ART: Jealous Needs You 2016
You are enviably invited to fine art screenprint studio, Jealous Gallery’s private view on 2nd November at Jealous East. Help them celebrate a year’s worth of established, emerging art and illustration at group show, Jealous Needs You.

Stephen King's Crouch End
Thought those Stephen King-esque killer clowns were bad? Try taking a wander round his version of Crouch End. After staying with friends and wandering down Parkland Walk, our beloved thriller writer got the Crouch End willies well and truly.

Halloween Film Night, Tufnell Park
For those of you too lazy to organise something / don’t want to stay in doing nothing, Tufnell Park Film Club have generously organised a halloween screening on Monday 31st. Because they know their stuff, you can expect a cracker of a horror show.

Kerb on Tap: Food From The Street To Your Door
Last week KERB started up a hot and heavy relationship with Deliveroo to bring the best of street food to ‘your living rooms, your offices, your schools, your boats’.

Trump vs Hilary Live at The White Lion
Roll up, roll up for the fight of the century: ‘Hair Fuhrer’ Trump (Republican Nut Job) vs. ‘Crooked’ Hilary (Democrat Fibber). Got much going on this election day? Whatever your political bent, don’t sit inside watching the polls wide eyed and sweating it out alone.

Furtherfield: Art, Technology and Social Change
Finsbury Park; home to amateur footballers, joggers, families, dogs and deviants. A fairly standard list of characters for a large London park. Look a little deeper and you’ll uncover something more unusual however. Lurking in the shadows of Lidl and overlooking the boating pond are two inconspicuous brown brick buildings which house Furtherfield Commons and Gallery.

New Craft Beer Shop in Finsbury Park
Clapton Craft are very excited to declare that they are opening their fourth store on Stroud Green Road in Finsbury Park. They can’t wait to turn it into another 'craft beer oasis' for us thirsty growler prowlers.

New Atom Gallery, Green Lanes
Mark Perronet, ’gallery owner, artist and possessor of many excellent facial expressions’ has been working hard with new co-owner and screen-printing illustrator chum, Richard Pendry to rebirth Atom Gallery (originally on Stroud Green Road). We swung by Green Lanes to see the all new Atom Gallery refit and it’s looking mighty fine.

Myths vs Reality: Refugees and Asylum Seekers in UK
Myth: There are a huge percentage of refugees and asylum seekers in the UK. Reality: At the end of 2014, refugees, asylum seekers and stateless persons made up just 0.24% of the UK population. Here are some facts and figures from Refugee Action to quote the next time you hear some of the more biased ‘facts’ about asylum.

New Breakfast Supper Club at Spring Studios
Breakfast in the evening? Finally! We were lucky enough to try out new Mexican supper club at Spring Studios, Kentish Town West. Princess Monaco of Kent is a supper club that champions breakfast as an evening meal, food sharing and conversation. You’ll be treated to a three course meal on long tables encouraging chats and plenty of Prosecco sipping.

Rowing Art Gallery: 'When U Instagram My Dead Body'
Rowing Gallery are currently showing the latest collaboration between artist and musician, Andy Holden and poet / video artist, Steve Roggenbuck. A multi-layered installation of sculpture, painting, video and poetry pokes their trademark existential funny finger at modern life.

THEATRE: This Little Life of Mine, Park Theatre
Sex Lies and Videophones: A loveable look at intimacy and loneliness in modern day London. Meet Izzy and Jonesy, your average modern day London couple. Thirtysomethings with decent jobs, struggling to get on the housing ladder and desperately wanting a baby. Sound familiar?

Meet the Brewer with Beaverton Brewery
Have you ever enjoyed a beer so much you just want to bathe in it, take it out for a meal and meet it’s parents? Well now you can. On Thursday 20th October you can really immerse yourself in Beavertown Brewery goodness down at Craving Coffee as part of Tottenham Social.